Wednesday, March 31, 2010

You Are What You Eat

There is no love sincerer than the love of food. ~George Bernard Shaw, "The Revolutionist's Handbook," Man and Superman

The food we eat and the methods by which it is produced or raised reveals who we are, hints at our values, defines our culture. Food is one of the essential ingredients to making us human. Whether farmer or consumer, we are all aware of the dietary requirement food provides us with, as well as the enjoyment that comes with eating quality produce and meat. It seems we have lost touch with our roots. Long forgotten the smell of the sun-kissed earth, the knowledge of growing seasons, the familiarity of domesticated animals, where the food we eat comes from, how it was produced, and who produced it.

Why is this important? With the rise of genetics and farm technology, a new era of farming has been developed. Genetic modifications allow fruits and vegetables to be grown year round, to the right specifications of color, size, and taste. Foods can be shipped from literally anywhere in the world, ending up on the grocery store shelves without any consideration about origin, seasonality, or environmental consequences. Animals can also be manipulated genetically to increase muscle size and taste, thereby increasing profitability. Factory farming produces most of the meat consumed in the United States, and soon to the rest of the world. In order to comply with increased consumer demand and year-round availability, the speed and efficiency by which food is produced is top priority, leading to diminished quality.

My mission is to discuss certain questions about the health benefits, environment consequences, genetic changes, factory production, and the ultimate future of food.


  1. I am listening. You have no idea how much I hate factory farming ! Standing by
    Cowboy Jim

  2. Hey Lauren :)

    you should check out Food, Inc. if you haven't seen it already.

